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The Niche

Love By Link is a niche, digital match-making platform based in Houston, Texas. The owner and operator found “ link” and married at age 34. She aims to encourage and inspire all others interested in marriage to position themselves to find true love. 

This website and any associated arms will often represent my personal experiences with dating/marriage from the perspective of a Black woman marrying a Black man. However, all interested no matter who you are or what you look like are encouraged to watch the VLOG and utilize the LBL Method via the digital products. This initiative aims to tackle two specific problems; help all women find true love and get married AND to change the narrative that Black women are undesirable and in turn increase the number of Black women who wed. Keeping this in mind (once the pandemic is over), one-on-one personalized services are reserved for Black women. Still curious?

Ready to invest in your love life?

Click for DIY Digital Products.

Click for the breakdown of one-on-one packages.

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